Just One of the Boys Rooper Read Online

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Popular Saccharide Reading Claiming 2018
Un libro con personajes que son gemelos.
"When my blades hit the water ice, it's similar I can breathe, as if I've been drowning and finally coming up for air."


Mi primer libro Immature Adult del 2018.
Alguna vez han visto la película She's the man, pues si les gusto, les recomiendo inmensamente que lean este libro, ya que prácticamente son la misma historia, solo que en vez de soccer aquí se habla de hockey.

No, no es una historia que nos presente algo nuevo, tiene muchos clich

Popular Sugar Reading Challenge 2018
United nations libro con personajes que son gemelos.
"When my blades hitting the ice, information technology'south like I can breathe, as if I've been drowning and finally coming up for air."


Mi primer libro Young Developed del 2018.
Alguna vez han visto la película She's the man, pues si les gusto, les recomiendo inmensamente que lean este libro, ya que prácticamente son la misma historia, solo que en vez de soccer aquí se habla de hockey.

No, no es una historia que nos presente algo nuevo, tiene muchos clichés, es predecible y arrastra varios huecos argumentales. Pero con todo y eso, LA VERDAD ES QUE A MI ME ENCANTO.

Por estas dos sencillas razones:

➦Vemos a adolescentes divirtiéndose.

En la actualidad tenemos a la gran mayoría de historias juveniles, dándonos historias super extra trágicas. Que, si bien reflejan a muchos adolescentes, la verdad es que no todo esta mal, estoy cansada de leer historias de adolescentes deprimidos. Ver una historia donde los protagonistas se diviertan, se apasionen por algo, se defiendan, enfrenten sus problemas sin ser tan extras, a mí me cayó como un vaso de agua fresca.

Por eso me entretuvo tanto este libro, porque me hizo sonreír y me recordó que no todo es tan malo haya afuera.

➦El segundo punto importante de la historia es, lo mucho que hablan de Hockey y Canadá. Sin duda se nota que la autora es canadiense, ya que refleja muy bien el sense of humour y estereotipación que se nos da. Si nos gusta el putin, si estamos acostumbrados alf rio, y si en este momento estoy utilizando una blusa de franela. Es estereotipo, por supuesto, ¿resulta molesto? No, para nada.


Hay muchos libros que tienen como protagonistas a jugadores de hockey, pero en este libro realmente sentimos la pación de ambos protagonistas hacia este deporte. Los vemos hablar de él, de los equipos, de juagadas, de posiciones. Hay una escena que mas recuerdo, cuando quieren patinar en el patio trasero de la casa del protagonista, y como die lo peligroso que es por que no es del todo plano, que eso solo se aprende cuando has patinado en una pista de hielo natural, que es totalmente diferente.

En conclusión: Por favor autores denos mas historias juveniles positivas. No todo tiene que ser extra trágico, a veces solo queremos suspirar, a veces solo queremos terminar un libro y sonreír.

Sep 09, 2017 rated information technology really liked it
I received an Accelerate Reader Copy from the publisher. This in no way impacted on my view.

When I get-go heard about this book, I was immediately intrigued. Everything nearly the synopsis screamed it was a volume for me, and I had quite the feeling that it would exist very much like the movie, She's the Man, which is perfect. In Just One of the Boys, Alice has always wanted to be a hockey player. Simply, because she's a girl, she tin can't play with the boys. (sidenote: this really resonated with me, as I was t

I received an Advance Reader Copy from the publisher. This in no mode impacted on my view.

When I first heard about this book, I was immediately intrigued. Everything virtually the synopsis screamed information technology was a book for me, and I had quite the feeling that it would be very much similar the pic, She's the Man, which is perfect. In Just One of the Boys, Alice has always wanted to be a hockey player. But, because she's a girl, she can't play with the boys. (sidenote: this really resonated with me, equally I was told when I was 12 or xiii I couldn't play on the football team I was a part of any more than, because I was a girl, and we had no girls teams in our surface area!). However, her cunning plan is to disguise herself as her twin brother, and don the persona of 'Al'. We get 2 PoVs in this volume, and the second is from Hayden, who is the star player on the Falcons. He always gets compared to his older blood brother, and wants to practise anything to get out from nether his shadow. When the new rookie actor, 'Al', rocks up, he takes him under his wing, and finds himself drawn to him, and 'Al's twin sister Alice when they meet as well.

The chemistry between Alice and Hayden was unreal. Whenever they were together, the sparks literally flew, and I loved how open they could be with each other. Yes, there were obviously some tension and angst when Alice/Al was revealed, but other than that, there wasn't actually much drama in this book, which was nice. Hayden's PoV was wonderful likewise, and I loved his backstory about being treated differently because of his brother, and how he was finally getting his hockey mojo back throughout this book.

Another thing I really liked in this volume was the friendship, especially betwixt Alice and Madison, and Hayden, Daniel and Tyler - the others who I believe will have their own companion books! The friendships shown were all legit and real, and it made the volume seem even more than realistic, and improved the book! I loved this book, and the definitely comparison to She's the Man was apparent. If you love that movie, this is definitely a book for you!

Samantha (WLABB)
That was terribly cute and and so adorable. Totally left me with a stupid grinning on my face up.

It was a piffling chip of this

And a little bit of this

And a bunch of this

Pro: A lot of She'due south the Man hijinks, and I loved it.

Pro: This was fun and fluffy and exactly what I wanted when I was reading it.

Pro: The friendship betwixt Al and Hayden was one I actually adored. It went from hate to a full blown bromance.

Pro: Christmas in Canada! The holidays with the Tremblay family was a special treat.

Con: Alice's bo

That was terribly beautiful and so adorable. Totally left me with a stupid grinning on my confront.

Information technology was a picayune chip of this

And a piddling bit of this

And a agglomeration of this

Pro: A lot of She'due south the Man hijinks, and I loved information technology.

Pro: This was fun and fluffy and exactly what I wanted when I was reading it.

Pro: The friendship between Al and Hayden was ane I really adored. It went from hate to a full blown bromance.

Pro: Christmas in Canada! The holidays with the Tremblay family unit was a special treat.

Con: Alice'southward boyfriend was just a horrible human existence, and I did not like him very much.

Pro: Kevin, Hayden's big blood brother, was trying really hard to be there for Hayden, and there were some beautiful moments we were lucky enough to share with them.

Con: The characters were pretty self centered with a lot of flaws BUT

Pro: The characters experienced a lot of growth over the form of the book.

Pro: Hayden was quite wounded, but he had such a big heart under information technology all, and in that location were times when he was bearing his soul that got me a piffling misty.

Pro: Madison was a fantastic friend and support system for Alice, and I as well found her quite fun and amusing. She definitely added to the story in a good fashion.

Pro: There was actually hockey in this book. Seriously, they spend fourth dimension on the ice and everything.

Overall: An adorable and sweet romance packed with lots of laughs, where the hero and the heroine found themselves and each other.


...more than
Sep 09, 2017 rated it really liked information technology
Give thanks you so much to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for allowing me to read and review this cute debut novel by Leah and Kate Rooper. This completely brought me back to seeing Mulan when I was younger and watching her take on all those boys while in disguise!

Alice Bell lives and breathes hockey, and tries out for an elite team with her hair stuffed up in her helmet. When she makes the team, and the motorbus kicks her off in favor of her twin brother the moment he discovers she's really a girl,

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for assuasive me to read and review this cute debut novel by Leah and Kate Rooper. This completely brought me back to seeing Mulan when I was younger and watching her accept on all those boys while in disguise!

Alice Bong lives and breathes hockey, and tries out for an elite team with her pilus blimp up in her helmet. When she makes the team, and the jitney kicks her off in favor of her twin brother the moment he discovers she's really a girl, she's naturally steamed. Fortunately for Alice, circumstances work out where Xander, her twin, needs her to take his place for a bit.

I love the natural relationships Kate and Leah Rooper create between family members and the mode they work out family unit conflict in a realistic way. Hayden, Alice's friend and eventual crush, doesn't open up upward to people easily, distances himself from those who love him rather than trying to work things out, and is generally a hothead. And Alice isn't perfect. She's very realistically written. Non always clued in to emotional nuance. Improve at slapping things effectually with a hockey stick than asking her brother to talk.

Of course the large question is what happens when everyone discovers Alice is a girl? and information technology was fun seeing that play out. This is an awesome book for hockey enthusiasts!

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this volume from the author.

Please excuse typos/name misspellings. Entered on screen reader.

...more than
Dec 14, 2018 rated information technology actually liked it
super beautiful.

Just I of the Boys was one of those YA books that seems like a movie or previous volume that you've read/watched. In it, you volition see Alice Bell. Her whole world revolves around hockey and the twenty-four hour period that she doesn't make a team because she's a girl.. was just the worst day always. Her twin blood brother, Xander, makes it but ends up getting hurt. So, if yous've ever seen the moving-picture show, She's the Man, this this volume is exactly like that. Still, the blood brother doesn't get hurt in that film..

Anyhoo, s

super beautiful.

Just One of the Boys was 1 of those YA books that seems similar a movie or previous book that you've read/watched. In information technology, yous will meet Alice Bell. Her whole globe revolves around hockey and the day that she doesn't make a team because she'south a girl.. was simply the worst day always. Her twin brother, Xander, makes it but ends up getting hurt. So, if yous've always seen the picture show, She's the Man, this this book is exactly similar that. However, the brother doesn't get injure in that movie..

Anyhoo, she pretends to exist her bother and starts to play for him. Of form, things start to go incorrect. She's making him expect amend than e'er but she's also starting to develop a trounce on 1 of the players, aka Hayden. And then, I was totally aircraft them from the first. It was cute that they were developing a footling "bromance" but how could he not tell that he was a she! It was driving me nuts!

After a horrific play during a game, Hayden finds out her dirty little secret. Sort of like when MULAN GOT Hurt FROM THE HUNS! Again, so many moving picture references and I'm loving it. It'due south also probably why I flew through this volume once I finally had time to dive into it.

..and at present I actually want to scout those two movies - idk why, but hey .. I just might do it.

Overall, I actually enjoyed this volume and I can't wait to dive into the adjacent volume - which I accept!

I similar this "girl dresses as his brother for getting into a group" stories (and vice versa). Bank check out anime and k-dramas for it!

This volume feels similar a teen movie: cliche, anticipated and with too many coincidences, simply information technology is really fun is you overlook all that!

Information technology was the type of book that I needed to read at the moment, light and heartwarming. The characters are kind of cute and not too complex, and it'south great that the writer decided to prove that Alice, the MC, can play hockey with the guys an

I like this "girl dresses as his brother for getting into a group" stories (and vice versa). Check out anime and k-dramas for it!

This book feels like a teen movie: platitude, anticipated and with too many coincidences, only it is actually fun is you lot overlook all that!

It was the type of book that I needed to read at the moment, light and heartwarming. The characters are kind of cute and not also complex, and it's great that the author decided to prove that Alice, the MC, tin can play hockey with the guys and notwithstanding be a great effigy skating too.

I was confused about all the hockey tecnicities though, just that's my fault since I've never watched a hockey play and I don't have a clue most what are the rules.

...more than
This was a little uneven for me. Both the atomic number 82 characters were really unlikable for long stretches at a time. But then in that location would be capacity hither and at that place where I really enjoyed them. The story is pretty much the hockey version of the She's the Homo moving-picture show. I don't really have also much to say about this i. I read the 2nd book before this book. I might give the third one a shot whenever information technology comes out. This was a fiddling uneven for me. Both the lead characters were actually unlikable for long stretches at a fourth dimension. But then in that location would be chapters here and in that location where I actually enjoyed them. The story is pretty much the hockey version of the She's the Homo movie. I don't really have too much to say about this i. I read the second book before this volume. I might give the third one a shot whenever it comes out. ...more
Sep 24, 2017 rated information technology it was astonishing
five+ stars
Loved this book!

A hockey romance volume that was actually nigh Ice hockey. Shocker! It just doesn't happen that frequently.

Alice loves, breathes and lives for hockey. Her family unit take just moved to a new town. Alice and her brother effort out for the local team. Alice knows she can't play in the NHL. This is her last chance to live her dream. After some confusion, her brother makes the team even though she is the ameliorate histrion. Unfortunately for her blood brother, an injury stops him making his first pr

5+ stars
Loved this book!

A hockey romance volume that was actually almost Ice hockey. Shocker! It just doesn't happen that ofttimes.

Alice loves, breathes and lives for hockey. Her family have just moved to a new town. Alice and her brother attempt out for the local team. Alice knows she can't play in the NHL. This is her last chance to live her dream. After some confusion, her brother makes the team even though she is the improve player. Unfortunately for her brother, an injury stops him making his commencement practice. Alice steps in to take his identify until he's better. Alice and Alexander are twins. Even though they are different sexual practice people go them confused all the time. Their program seems to be working. The simply problem is her swain teammate, Hayden.

Hayden has a chip on his shoulder and struggles to control his temper. He is good at hockey but can't seem to stay focused. The new rookie, Al rubs him the wrong mode right from the start. I hateful who does he remember he is!

Can Hayden get over his issues and practise what is best for the team? His new teammate may just be the cardinal he has been looking for.

I loved this volume. I loved the hockey. I loved the twin swap and I loved the romance. Alice and Hayden's relationship holds the awkwardness of She's the human being and never been kissed. It's funny and heartwarming. 5 stars plus I couldn't give more praise to this volume. It was spot on.

If you like sports romances you'll love this one!

*ARC received in exchange for a fair review*

...more than
lacy white
Oct 03, 2017 rated it actually liked it
A special thank you goes out to Entangled Teen for allowing me to read this re-create early! All thoughts and opinions are my own!

When I started this book, I idea information technology was going to be some cheesy trivial volume about ice skating and hockey. How Alice and Hayden were going to fall in love and it'll be all rainbows and sunshines. But I was wrong and I have got to stop predicting books like that.

This was then much more a love story. Alice was such a desperate graphic symbol. She tried and then hard to prove u.s.a. s

A special thanks goes out to Entangled Teen for allowing me to read this re-create early on! All thoughts and opinions are my own!

When I started this book, I thought information technology was going to exist some cheesy little book about ice skating and hockey. How Alice and Hayden were going to fall in dear and it'll be all rainbows and sunshines. Simply I was wrong and I have got to stop predicting books like that.

This was so much more than than a love story. Alice was such a desperate graphic symbol. She tried and then hard to show us she was this happy get lucky girl that wouldn't let annihilation bother her. Only she couldn't keep that upwardly for long. I saw the sad little daughter who replaced feelings with hockey. With hockey, Alice reasoned, she couldn't feel the feelings she didn't want to feel anymore. This book was more than her trying to accomplish her goal. Alice was trying to find herself and I loved that. I tin can appreciate a proficient story arc similar that.

Hayden was a mess and a wiggle. I did non similar him at first. I wanted to actually dial him a few times. Merely so we got to know him better, as Alice did, and I realized he was a just a hurt boy who didn't know how to express himself. And my hate slowly thawed and I found myself actually looking forward to his POVs. He was actually a rational guy, which is something I tin capeesh.

Overall, this was a proficient introduction to me to sports romance, a genre I don't normally read. I was able to continue up with all the hockey gargon, despite having never played. The detest to beloved trope was used, which is always a plus to me because that is my favorite trope ever. Actually, this was just a practiced solid contemporary.

Sep 28, 2017 rated it it was amazing
Holy shmokes, I desire to hug this book.

It'due south a modern retelling of Twelfth Dark - with hockey. Alice Bell knows she'south adept enough to play for the Chicago Falcons and in that location's no rules against a girl playing - she'due south checked. But when she takes off her helmet, her brother is given her place on the squad. When she gets the chance to play in his identify, she grabs it with both easily. She never expected to fall for the star player, troubled Hayden Trembley.

I loved the characters - they're all flawed, all

Holy shmokes, I want to hug this book.

It's a modern retelling of Twelfth Night - with hockey. Alice Bell knows she's adept enough to play for the Chicago Falcons and at that place's no rules against a girl playing - she'southward checked. But when she takes off her helmet, her brother is given her place on the team. When she gets the hazard to play in his place, she grabs information technology with both easily. She never expected to fall for the star player, troubled Hayden Trembley.

I loved the characters - they're all flawed, all selfish in their own fashion, but this niggling deception gives them all the risk to learn and abound. Alice learns to embrace all of herself and to find a world that isn't all about her and hockey; Hayden learns to let people (by and large Alice) in and that he is more than his perfect brother's shadow.

At that place was a plot thread with Maddy that I would've liked to see a little more than of - and Xander, for that thing, only maybe that'due south set up for some other book. I liked there was no 'gay panic' on Hayden'due south part (the 'oh noes, I think I'm in love with my best friend am I GAY?') because his human relationship with Al in his eyes was just a really adept friendship.

The hockey metaphors were fun and totally appropriate and while I would honey to read more, the book finished in a good place. Become Falcons!

I received a copy of this story from the author through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

...more than
Jan 03, 2021 rated it liked it
iii.one/5 ☆

So I impulsively read this lol. If you liked the motion picture She's the Human, then this book is definitely for y'all. In fact, I found it sometimes a chip too like and then I thought this book was kind of a rip-off? In this one, hockey is the master focus. While reading, I concluded that the author also had no idea how hockey worked. No talk most strategy or names, no names for each player and position. Idk I know nothing about hockey and I believe the author had no idea too.

Anyways, this was a kind of

3.1/five ☆

So I impulsively read this lol. If you liked the movie She's the Human, then this volume is definitely for you. In fact, I institute it sometimes a bit too similar so I idea this book was kind of a rip-off? In this one, hockey is the main focus. While reading, I concluded that the writer also had no idea how hockey worked. No talk nearly strategy or names, no names for each actor and position. Idk I know nothing about hockey and I believe the writer had no idea too.

Anyways, this was a kind of fun read. Not the best "disguise every bit a guy to be a part of something" book (yep, i've read multiple of those books to judge lol). It felt similar reading a Wattpad book. So yep.

Oct 06, 2017 rated information technology really liked it
First things first: I received this book through NetGalley.

This book was everything I wanted it to be!!!!

Summary: Alice Bell has 1 goal: to play for the elite junior hockey squad the Chicago Falcons.But when she's passed over at tryouts for being a girl, she'll do anything to brand her dream a reality...even disguising herself as her twin blood brother. With her amazing skills on the ice, Alice is sure she'll fit in easily. That is, until she starts falling for one of her teammates...

Hayden Tremblay,

First things first: I received this volume through NetGalley.

This book was everything I wanted it to exist!!!!

Summary: Alice Bell has i goal: to play for the elite inferior hockey team the Chicago Falcons.Simply when she's passed over at tryouts for existence a girl, she'll practice anything to make her dream a reality...even disguising herself as her twin brother. With her astonishing skills on the ice, Alice is sure she'll fit in easily. That is, until she starts falling for one of her teammates...

Hayden Tremblay, star of the Falcons, can't continue himself out of the penalization box. Constantly living in the shadow of his older brother, Hayden's losing his passion for hockey. But when he gets shown up on the ice past the Falcons' new rookie, Hayden's determined to teach the kid a thing or two. Little does he approximate that "Al's" surprises on the water ice are just the beginning...

The book sucked me in right from the stars. A kick ass girl, who outplays lots of dude on the ice during tryouts and makes the team. Only, that she takes of her helmet and people realize that she'due south a girl and non a dude. GASP!!!! SCANDAL!!!! A GIRL. ON THE ICE. PLAYING HOCKEY. WHAT?????? And then, of grade. The only logical thing to practise as a double-decker that just welcomend her on the squad, is to brand her empathize he fabricated a mistake and really meant her twin brother. Who, well...sucked during the tryouts. SHOCKING, a dude who played mediocre got the place instead of a daughter who played astonishing. I could go on and on about this merely I will end correct here...
Back to the story. Xander, Alice's twin brother really breaks his leg. And Alice is ready to accept his identify on the team, acting like she'south him. Yep Please!!!!!
Twin story: check.
Giving me She's The Man feels: CHECK!!!!

I loved the principal characters.
Alice, I loved Alice so much. I loved her as Alice, I loved her as Al. She was amazing.
Hayden. Let's exist real most him for a second hither, I didn't like this dude at all in the beginning. He was just a mean wiggle, who I couldn't care less about. Towards the middle it changed. He got more backstory and NO, the tragic things in his past didn't excuse anything, merely towards the heart, he became a actual human being being for me that I cared for. He was withal a jerk from time to time.
Loved the minor characters.
Xander. Man, I loved him in the starting time, hated him in the middle and loved him again in the end. There is a lot going on for him in the story, once once more that's no excuse for how he handles some of the things, but still, towards the stop he really stole my middle once again.
Madison. She showed up and I loved her. She was super supportive, she was just such a great friend to Alice. Ugh. She was amazing.

I got bellyaching with the characters a lot of times, they made terrible decisions, the said a lot of awful things to each other. Simply I LOVED THEM.
I loved the story. I loved the writing.
I highly recommend this book.

...more than
Alexis Danielle

* I received this as an ARC from NetGalley in exchange from my honest review*

This book was alright. I honestly don't accept much to say. The entire time reading the volume felt familiar to be and that's because it was. It has a lot of the same elements from the movie she's the man. It was a quick like shooting fish in a barrel read merely unfortunately I only didn't really bask it. Nothing well-nigh it felt all that original which was awful because I really wanted to love this volume.


* I received this equally an ARC from NetGalley in commutation from my honest review*

This book was alright. I honestly don't have much to say. The entire fourth dimension reading the book felt familiar to be and that's considering information technology was. Information technology has a lot of the aforementioned elements from the motion-picture show she'southward the human being. It was a quick easy read but unfortunately I just didn't really savour it. Nothing about it felt all that original which was awful because I really wanted to love this volume.

Cindy Hale
Oct 02, 2017 rated information technology it was amazing
This book was so fun! I got through it quickly. I'k a sucker for twin stories. I'one thousand not a big hockey fan, but this book sucked me in and I felt every bit though I was Alice, getting my caput into the game correct with her.

It was fun to run into how long it took for him to effigy out she was actually a daughter. I felt similar that was a good movement on the authors' part. Having her show upwardly periodically every bit a smoking hot effigy skater was a prissy touch. I loved watching her teammates fawn over her. Hilarious!

I enjoyed watc

This book was so fun! I got through it chop-chop. I'm a sucker for twin stories. I'm non a large hockey fan, but this book sucked me in and I felt as though I was Alice, getting my caput into the game correct with her.

It was fun to come across how long it took for him to figure out she was actually a girl. I felt similar that was a skillful move on the authors' function. Having her evidence up periodically as a smoking hot figure skater was a squeamish touch. I loved watching her teammates fawn over her. Hilarious!

I enjoyed watching Hayden's growth as he and Alice grew into best friends. I call up my favorite part was the Christmas scene where she goes exterior to sit and talk with him about his parents' death. I enjoyed watching the growth of the characters and they changed throughout this book. They had both been through so much hurting and had both been burying it. For me, that was the heart of this book. I love it that I can read a volume that's silly and fun and leaves me giggling simply also deals with characters who have real problems they demand to overcome. Every Entangled book I get my hands on seems to have this element of growth with their characters and that along with the fast pacing and fun storylines is what keeps me coming dorsum to Entangled Trounce.

...more than
✧ k a t i e ✧
I tried to read this book, just the writing manner was actually difficult for me to get into. Every time I would read it, the fashion would throw me off an merely made me uninterested in the book.

The plot sounded very interesting, but this was one that I but could non get into.

Sep 16, 2017 rated it really liked information technology
This book is 100% my guilty pleasure. I enjoyed every single matter about it, but I peculiarly enjoyed the feminist inklings inside of information technology. Alice is one tough cookie and as someone who used to effigy skate.. her abilities to both be graceful in figure skating and tough and agile on the hockey flooring filled me with a huge load of feminist pride.

When I saw this book for the first time I knew I had to read it, considering long ago I loved the flick Merely One of The Guys and this book is very similar to tha

This book is 100% my guilty pleasure. I enjoyed every unmarried affair about it, but I especially enjoyed the feminist inklings inside of it. Alice is one tough cookie and as someone who used to figure skate.. her abilities to both be graceful in effigy skating and tough and agile on the hockey floor filled me with a huge load of feminist pride.

When I saw this book for the first fourth dimension I knew I had to read it, considering long ago I loved the movie Just One of The Guys and this volume is very similar to that in the all-time of means.

The romance in this book is besides delightful in the best of ways. Alice and Hayden are each other'southward residue and even though Hayden gets deceived into thinking Alice is Al, someone who is an astonishing hockey player who becomes shut friends with him as the story progresses, I ate up every moment they were together. I call back nearly of all that friendship between Hayden and Al was the best part. Alice gets the chance to see Hayden's many layers and gets to realize how much she enjoys every i of them.

Just One of The Boys is an adorkable novel that sings with a dissimilar kind of romance. It spreads the bulletin that a girl can be whoever they wish to be and that love will follow when information technology is meant to.

Oct 06, 2017 rated information technology did not like it
Non for me.

I knew that this would be like to the movie 'She'south the homo' nonetheless I hoped that it would not be an verbal re-create of it. Unfortunately information technology is and definitely not as good. The characters are simply not that funny and I don't like the dual POV it feels similar it takes away from the story rather than adds something new. As well it'south way besides cutesy and melodramatic and the writing is probably more suited to those aged 12-16.

Not for me.

I knew that this would be similar to the movie 'She's the man' notwithstanding I hoped that information technology would non exist an exact re-create of information technology. Unfortunately information technology is and definitely not as adept. The characters are but not that funny and I don't like the dual POV information technology feels like it takes away from the story rather than adds something new. Also it'south way too cutesy and melodramatic and the writing is probably more suited to those aged 12-16.

...more than
Sep 15, 2017 rated it information technology was astonishing
A huge Thank-you lot to Entangled Teen Publishing, LLC., for allowing me to read this book via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Prior to really reading this novel, I was super-duper-freaking excited for Just One of the Boys. Seriously! I'm so glad that I requested an ARC of this book, because I ended up loving it.

At that place are two points of view in But Ane of the Boys.

The first view nosotros read from is Alice. Alice is a high school senior, but we don't see her school life. The book is incre

A huge Thank-you to Entangled Teen Publishing, LLC., for allowing me to read this book via Netgalley in commutation for an honest review.

Prior to actually reading this novel, I was super-duper-freaking excited for Merely One of the Boys. Seriously! I'yard and then glad that I requested an ARC of this book, because I ended up loving information technology.

There are two points of view in Only I of the Boys.

The starting time view we read from is Alice. Alice is a high school senior, but nosotros don't see her school life. The book is incredibly focused effectually the ice rink. Alice is competitive, and doesn't similar to give up things hands. Alice loves skating and hockey. More often than not though, if she can skate, Alice feels like she can breathe again. — Nosotros more often than not read from Alice's point of view.

Hayden has the second bespeak of view in this novel. Hayden is a major hockey fan with some emotional baggage fastened. I liked Hayden's indicate of view since he'due south an all around great dude. Hayden is definitely one of a kind dude. I wish there was more chapters with Hayden's point of view.

There were a few small things that I found to be predictable. I'm 100% fine with those things being anticipated, just because the remainder of the volume is then well written.

My first favourite part is when Alice and Hayden meet. I honestly laughed at this point of the book. Come to recollect of it actually, I laughed a lot during my read of this volume. I had so much fun reading this book to be honest. I enjoyed learning some hockey lingo (even though I am Canadian), and I enjoyed learning some figure skating lingo too.

I found the plot of the book to be very enjoyable. There were some scenes that I didn't think would happen which were a bonus. I loved seeing the grapheme development Alice and Hayden went through too. Agh, I loved everything well-nigh Just 1 of the Boys.

The concluding thought I had later I finished reading Just One of the Boys was that I wished I hadn't read it, just and then I could read information technology once more for the get-go time!

A huge Thank-yous to Entangled Teen Publishing, LLC., for allowing me to read this book via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

November 03, 2018 rated information technology actually liked it
Ever wanted to read a book with serious She's the Homo vibes, merely with ice hockey rather than skating? Well boy practise I have the novel for you! ;D

In this novel, Alice (or Al) takes the identify of her twin brother Alexander (or Xander) when she is passed over for entry into the Chicago Falcons for being (*gasp*) a girl, both to prove that yeah she is good enough, and to help out her brother while (view spoiler)[he has a broken leg and can't actually play, and if he doesn't practice he won't accept a chanc

Ever wanted to read a book with serious She's the Man vibes, but with ice hockey rather than skating? Well boy do I have the novel for you! ;D

In this novel, Alice (or Al) takes the place of her twin brother Alexander (or Xander) when she is passed over for entry into the Chicago Falcons for being (*gasp*) a girl, both to testify that yep she is proficient plenty, and to help out her blood brother while (view spoiler)[he has a broken leg and can't actually play, and if he doesn't exercise he won't take a take a chance at the playoffs etc - he'll probable merely be off the squad for someone else who initially didn't make the cut (hide spoiler)]. While a member of the Falcons, Al becomes tentative friends with Hayden, the "all-star" player of the team (with a "perfect" older blood brother who is near incommunicable to alive upwardly to, as one of the stars of the NHL etc.) and helps him to become a better squad player, bigger person, and help heal some of his by wounds where they eventually get the all-time of friends etc. etc. etc.

I honestly really enjoyed this, every bit a bully bit of light reading for the weekend, and found it really fun to find all the (intentional or not) throwbacks to She's the Human (such as getting a makeover from someone in social club to assist with being more "human-like" and having the overbearing mother who just wants a "pageant princess" (view spoiler)[or figure skating princess in this I guess... (hide spoiler)] and having a brother who in the end (view spoiler)[actually isn't that into the sport that the sis has lived for all this time. In She'south the Homo, Sebastian wanted to be a musician, in this, Alexander wants to exist in theatre (hide spoiler)]).

I am a little disappointed that (view spoiler)[while of course Hayden eventually establish out (and there was drama about how "you lied to me", followed by issues during the game, and eventual making upwards before he surprises her at one of the "feminine" events, bla bla bla :P) there was no large reveal to her teammates on the ice hockey squad (hide spoiler)]. All in all though, it was a pretty enjoyable read and I had a cracking time c:

(Source: I received an ARC in commutation for an honest review. Thanks to NetGalley, Entangled Publishing, LLC, Vanquish and Leah and Kate Rooper.)

"It silly how in that location's billions of people on Earth, and one person can make or break the world for y'all," I finally say. "Perchance it's stupid, just I sort of believe there's only one existent love out there for everyone."

Just Ane of the Boys was fun YA read, which means the heroine sometimes got to my nerves.
First of all it actually reminded me of She'due south the Human, just

(Source: I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. Thanks to NetGalley, Entangled Publishing, LLC, Crush and Leah and Kate Rooper.)

"It silly how in that location's billions of people on Earth, and i person tin make or interruption the world for yous," I finally say. "Perchance it's stupid, but I sort of believe there's only 1 real love out there for everyone."

Just I of the Boys was fun YA read, which ways the heroine sometimes got to my nerves.
Get-go of all it really reminded me of She's the Human, merely hockey version. I loved the characters, I loved the chemistry and all.

The reason that admired Al is that she stayed famine but showed her forcefulness. I loved both main characters, simply I don't know why, sometimes Al just got to my nerves because of her selfishness, but that was just it. I tin can't say anything about Hayden, crusade I liked his character.

The story was adept, but some parts left me confused. One of the things, how she got to Canada, with her passport? Since Kevin bought her ticket. Whose proper name was used. Information technology couldn't have been Xander's cause he was in United mexican states...

I promise to see Maddison'southward story. I was actually interested with her beloved interest. Which was unexpected, merely I call back it worked out pretty well!!

Davina Herondale
A cute, quick read. I gave it 2 stars because while it wasn't incredible, it was still enjoyable. I love the trope of this book in particular. There's this Cdrama, information technology'south called my unicorn daughter if yous want to check it out and this book reminds me a lot of that show.
Oct 05, 2017 rated it liked information technology
This reads like a cute teen picture show. The plot is adequately predictable merely I didn't mind. It's a make clean, sweet YA story. This reads like a cute teen pic. The plot is adequately predictable simply I didn't mind. Information technology's a make clean, sweet YA story. ...more
Jan 03, 2018 rated it liked it
She's The Homo is like, my FAVORITE picture show okay?! I dearest it. This volume is just like that except w/hockey instead of soccer. Totally stupid, but fun ;) She's The Homo is like, my FAVORITE pic okay?! I dearest it. This volume is just like that except w/hockey instead of soccer. Totally stupid, but fun ;) ...more
Annotation: I received an eARC of this book from NetGalley in commutation for an honest review!

A cute, fluffy, sports-laden first endeavour from Leah Rooper that I enjoyed quite a chip! It reminded me So MUCH of the Disney Channel original moving-picture show Motocrossed. Does anyone remember that!? Well-nigh the exact same premise but with motocross instead of hockey! I similar cute and fluffy though, and then it was right up my alley! I tin't await to run across more from this author!

Note: I received an eARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review!

A beautiful, fluffy, sports-laden kickoff effort from Leah Rooper that I enjoyed quite a scrap! Information technology reminded me SO MUCH of the Disney Aqueduct original movie Motocrossed. Does anyone remember that!? Most the exact same premise just with motocross instead of hockey! I like cute and fluffy though, and so it was correct upward my alley! I tin can't wait to see more than from this author!

...more than
Jan 14, 2018 rated it it was amazing
A sweet ya-romance. I've never seen the movie She's the man, and so I didn't know the story like many who critized the similarities.
If you overlook the fact how it is even possible to pull the "I'grand changing identity with my twin blood brother", y'all'll enjoy this story! I loved how the relationship between Alice and Hayden developed, how both of them grew and learned to come across not merely their own perspective. I didn't mind the stereotyping, because although it should not happen, in real life there IS stereoty
A sugariness ya-romance. I've never seen the flick She's the human being, so I didn't know the story similar many who critized the similarities.
If you overlook the fact how it is even possible to pull the "I'chiliad changing identity with my twin brother", you'll relish this story! I loved how the human relationship between Alice and Hayden developed, how both of them grew and learned to see not just their own perspective. I didn't mind the stereotyping, because although it should not happen, in real life there IS stereotyping and girls and boys both hear sentences like "don't act similar (such) a girl!" .The catastrophe was a bit sappy but thats ok. four,five stars !
Reread 01.06.2021: even so a sweet ya novel!
Kate Rooper
Sep 07, 2017 rated it it was amazing  · (Review from the writer)
I had an amazing time writing this book! I hope everyone enjoys it :)
Leah Rooper
Sep 07, 2017 rated it it was amazing  · (Review from the writer)
This book was hilariously fun to write! I hope you lot all enjoy reading information technology. :)
Emmeline (The Book Herald)
I received an advance reader copy in substitution for an honest review

"you've got zippo besides worry about, baby brother," i say, nestling my caput in his ear. "Considering I'm not Alice. I'm Al."

This book is essentially the movie plot of She's The Human being only with Ice skates and hockey sticks instead of Soccer balls.

Rating- 2.5/ 5 Stars.

Alright and so let'due south spring to the plot chop-chop and so we'll delve into the everything else!

Alice has one passion- Water ice Hockey.
She has one thought in her caput- Ice Ho

I received an advance reader re-create in exchange for an honest review

"you've got nothing too worry well-nigh, baby brother," i say, nestling my head in his ear. "Considering I'm not Alice. I'grand Al."

This book is essentially the movie plot of She'south The Man merely with Ice skates and hockey sticks instead of Soccer balls.

Rating- ii.5/ v Stars.

Alright so let'south jump to the plot apace then we'll delve into the everything else!

Alice has one passion- Water ice Hockey.
She has one thought in her head- Ice Hockey.
She doesn't permit annihilation else distract her nor deter he from her goal- Join the water ice hockey team named the Falcons and get scouted for the NHL.
But one footling problem...she'southward a girl and no matter how insanely good she is, the Falcons won't accept her, but they accept her twin brother- Xander.
When mishaps occur and her twin brother cannot play, she wants to salve his position on the Falcons squad. How you ask? She'll get 1 of the boys in his place until Xander can render!
Some other little problem is a hot and cold Canadian named Hayden who sends her heart soaring."

Alright, and so run into what i meant by its essentially she's the human but with ice skates instead?

i enjoyed this book information technology was a sweet and relaxing read. However, it was so full of stereotypical characters that i didn't feel emotionally connected. So similar, i liked information technology just i didn't feel the burning sting of pain when the characters discussed distressing things about their families. I didn't experience like my heart would flare-up when the characters got romantic. I just...read it and smiled.

It followed the plot of She's the human sooo closely though- the mother who tears upwards because she wants her daughter to be a lady, Alice has to do charity balls only not debutant training, figure skating. Y'all run across?

And so if you want a sugariness, slice of life book with romance, this is your book! I actually don't mean that in a bad mode. This author writes well and information technology was beautiful.

Also, possibly I'thou as well innocent but for xvi year olds, homo they drink a lot! how do they even go admission to the stuff?! i'm 22 and i don't fifty-fifty do that! merely anyway,

it's cute.

I'll stop in that location, stay awesome my lovelies!
The Book Herald
Blog: http://thebookherald.wix.com/thebookh...
Twitter- @thebookherald

Moa (The Reading Faery)
I loved this book! The romance was sweet, the plot was enjoyable – and there are hot hockey players! What else could you ask for? Just One of the Boys is a super sweetness, romantic and light read, and it fit me perfectly! I finished it in one sitting, and then I regretted it, because I didn't desire it to be over.

I love Alice!

Alice is a super-fun character to read about. She loves hockey, and she's skillful at it, too. Skilful enough to play with the boys. I loved reading nigh Alice, considering she wasn't lik

I loved this book! The romance was sweetness, the plot was enjoyable – and in that location are hot hockey players! What else could you inquire for? Merely One of the Boys is a super sweetness, romantic and calorie-free read, and it fit me perfectly! I finished it in one sitting, and then I regretted it, because I didn't want information technology to be over.

I honey Alice!

Alice is a super-fun character to read about. She loves hockey, and she's adept at it, as well. Skillful enough to play with the boys. I loved reading about Alice, because she wasn't like many other master characters you read about. She was fun, caring and stubborn – and I loved how she broke the norms!

Can nosotros please talk about the hotness that is Hayden?

Let's offset with the fact that he's a hockey player – I have a weakness for those, and Hayden doesn't disappoint! I loved to see how he slowly started opening up to Alice, how he started to heal subsequently losing his parents in a machine blow. It bankrupt my heart to run across how sad he was, but it too healed it when I saw how he started living life again.

The romance is so sugariness.

It's not the nearly intense romance, but that was fine. I liked how Alice and Hayden became friends – all-time friends – before they became fellow and girlfriend. It felt actually natural, the way the romance built, even though Hayden thought she was a boy through almost of the book. Information technology was really sweet and lovely, and they are then cute together!

The plot was great!

The plot was really interesting and unique. Since Alice is pretending to exist a boy, information technology lands her in a lot of interesting – and funny – situations that you just can't get plenty of, and it was never slow to see how she tried to balance existence both a girl and a boy. Plus, there's tons of hockey, and I love hockey, so this book was really just perfect for me!

I really enjoyed every moment of reading this book, and couldn't put it down! It had me going through all the emotions; crying, laughing, swooning, and – I tin admit – wishing for a hockey player of my own. If you lot like a light, fun and romantic read, this book is definitely for you – information technology's exactly what YA Romance should be!

Jasmine Fuentes
*I received an Advanced Readers Copy from the publishing house through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

Shes the human being mixed with Mulans bad ass cocky, meets ice hockey. This is the best way I know in describing this book.

Nosotros have ii main characters we follow in this book, Al, short for Alice- and Hayden. Both characters live and breath hockey, and when you read when they hit the ice? It truly feels like they are home!

This is a volume you could sit downward on a overnice winter day with a cup of southward

*I received an Advanced Readers Re-create from the publishing house through Netgalley in commutation for an honest review*

Shes the man mixed with Mulans bad ass self, meets ice hockey. This is the best manner I know in describing this book.

We accept two primary characters nosotros follow in this book, Al, short for Alice- and Hayden. Both characters live and breath hockey, and when you read when they hitting the ice? It truly feels like they are home!

This is a book y'all could sit down on a nice winter day with a loving cup of steaming hot cocoa and caress with a pillow that you'll: A) Mask Your Screams in B) Throw around violently C) Wipe the tears you'll go from reading this book from laugh worthy moments.

This book hitting all the bases for me, it was a volume of self discovery. A book of romance. A book of friendship. A book of passion. A book of family unit. This is like a Hallmark picture waiting to happen!

Now although I tin't go further into discussing the book, which believe me I want to... I will leave off with this. Although the book didn't leave off in a way that you necessarily need more, I practice desire more than. I would've liked to know more about Alice's mom. What happens when Alice and Xander reveals their secrets. Overall though information technology's a solid five for me, something anyone could pick up and requite a quick read and exist entertained for the next few hours.

Leah and Kate Rooper are sisters who live on beautiful Vancouver Island, BC. E'er since they were little, they accept loved playing make-believe. Now fifty-fifty as "grown-ups", they play brand-believe every day in the stories they write. When they're not glued to their laptops, Leah and Kate are both studying Elementary School Education at academy.

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