Will Ryan Shayzier Ever Play Again?

The pastor takes a telephone telephone call on his porch, where he is reading about the life of Moses, the Biblical character who endured the X Plagues, led the Exodus of the Israelites, received the Ten Commandments and wandered the desert for 40 years. Kind of seems applicable to 2020, the pastor says with a express mirth.

This is Vernon Shazier, head of River of Life Fellowship in South Florida, a man who spent all jump and summer counseling parishioners, friends, relatives, fifty-fifty NFL players from his long-ago days as the Dolphins team chaplain. He advised so many, for so long, their issues so vexing and deep, that he took September off. Had to. "I needed a suspension from solving problems," he says, knowing that he nonetheless spent two full weeks in the month away dealing with his ain.

I first met Vernon last fall, on that very porch. I came to ask him nearly his son, Ryan, a Pro Bowl linebacker for the Steelers who, in Dec. 2017, suffered a spinal cord injury on a football field in Cincinnati. I asked Vernon about his faith, about the months that Ryan had been paralyzed, virtually his miraculous recovery and how the pastor reconciled the worst day of his life with what he described as his life's calling.

Portrait of Vernon Shazier, father of Ryan Shazier

Vernon Shazier

One thing Vernon said from the evening resonated with me ever since. He couldn't bring himself to sentry football, or fifty-fifty sports. But he wanted, more than anything, for Ryan to play again. He knew the odds, and how he sounded, and how many would think him delusional at best. But he believed, all the way until this September, when Ryan planned a visit abode to tell the residue of the world what Vernon already knew.

Vernon picked upward Ryan, daughter-in-law Michelle and their immature son, Lyon, at the drome on Sunday, Sept. 6. Not fifty-fifty three years removed from one of the scariest injuries ever suffered in a pro football, Ryan could now walk with simply a minor limp. He didn't need assistance. He could live a "normal" life. Ryan had left Pittsburgh, Vernon says, because he didn't want to be a distraction to his former teammates and he wanted to exist home, with his family, for unconditional support. "I worked my barrel off," he told Vernon. "But I take not been able to get back to 100 percent."

For Vernon, the unplugging had already started. No e-mail. No phone calls. He'd read books, smoke cigars, sit out on the porch and contemplate his son'south future. Normally when Ryan visited, old friends stopped by constantly. But not now, during the global pandemic. Ryan'southward grandparents marked the only guests. "It was similar we were in a cave, man," Vernon says.

They needed the isolation, because they knew how hard the declaration would be to make. Ryan wasn't the but family member who had struggled with depression; they all had. Ryan wasn't the only family unit member who wanted him to reclaim his starting spot in the Steelers starting lineup; they all wanted him to.

For months, equally Ryan lay in a hospital bed, wondering if he'd ever walk over again, Vernon prayed. Offset, he prayed for his son to walk. Eventually, he believes that prayer was answered. Then, "I prayed so many times and asked God to allow [him] play football once more," the pastor says. "I apposite it. I visualized information technology in my mind, [him] running back on that field." That prayer would non exist answered.

On Ryan'due south first day abode, a Mon, Labor Day, Vernon held his emotions together. On Tuesday, he lost control. He estimates he cried between 20 and 25 times, taking drives through his neighborhood, or heading out back to the porch, trying to avert Ryan seeing him break downwardly.

Vernon wasn't sad about the football career ending, though. He was concerned near Ryan, still simply 28. "Was he healthy?" Vernon asks. "Psychologically? Emotionally? Would he exist stuck in nostalgia thinking his best years were already behind him?"

He can't share as well much, Vernon says, wanting Ryan to tell his ain story, in his own time, same as always. Only he does allude to "some thoughts" beingness "too crazy" and says, "depression can take your listen to some deep, night places."

The pastor has always done his all-time thinking on that porch, the exact kind of critical assay he needed then, and he kept going back outside that Tuesday. Finally, he decided he should hear from the source. Just subsequently Tuesday turned into Wednesday, around one:xxx a.grand., he tapped on the sliding drinking glass window from outside, summoning Ryan to his home office, the one sitting on that manmade lake in Coral Springs. He was crying once more. They both sat down.

"I need to know where you are with your decision," Vernon said. "And your life."

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Ryan stared back, and in that moment, he looked to the pastor like his son, not the football histrion who had conquered the NFL and rehabilitation from spinal surgery.

"Information technology's painful," Ryan said. "But I'k all right, dad. I'm all correct."

"When he said that," Vernon says now, "I was proficient."

On Wed, the pastor felt meliorate. He still worried virtually his son, he explains, delving deeper into what he had alluded to before. Either Vernon or his wife, Shawn, had spent every dark with Ryan in the hospital for six months afterwards the injury. They had seen the visits, the tears, the fear that he might not walk over again. One night, Vernon had an out-of-body experience, and he swears he could run into himself, as if floating above, looking downwardly at Ryan and trying to switch bodies with him. "I've talked to him when he didn't want to live," Vernon says. This was different, Ryan reassured him.

"I'chiliad skilful," he said over again.

A film crew arrived in the morning time and set up outside, in the only identify that fit the news that would be delivered that afternoon. Ryan sat on the porch, the lake glimmering behind him, and recorded the announcement he hoped he wouldn't take to make until years later, subsequently a comeback: His playing career had officially ended. He had known that, on some level, e'er since the injury. Simply that didn't ease the pain of sending the message out into the world.

Ryan Shazier smiles while on the sideline during a 2022 game

Ryan, on the Steelers' sideline during a game terminal season.

From a offset-round option in 2022 to a cornerstone of another vehement Steelers defense to the Pro Bowl to the terminate—the football part, anyway. Shazier played four seasons. Made 299 tackles. In his message, he said he loved everything about football.

On Wednesday evening, the Shaziers began to relax. Ryan stayed with his family for two weeks. They locked themselves inside and laughed and cried and reminisced. They played games like Jenga and Heads Up. They rented a boat and went for a cruise. Most nights bled into mornings, with Vernon and his boys, Ryan and other son Vernon, staying up; sometimes, they watched the sun rise together earlier heading off to bed. "Honestly," Vernon says, "those were two of the best weeks of my life."

The post-obit Mon, Vernon still did not sentinel the Steelers open their season, against the Giants, on the aforementioned Mon Night Football stage where Ryan'due south career ended. Vernon hasn't watched football game since the injury; why, he'due south not exactly sure. Ryan does watch, preparing for his podcast. Merely his father stopped tuning in to sports nigh entirely dorsum in '17, to the point where he says he only found out the Miami Estrus, who play just down the route, were practiced when a relative mentioned their NBA Finals run. "Expect, it's not as important to me equally it once was," the pastor says. "I don't know if I avoid it to go on from allowing it to trigger. That could be part of it, and then that information technology doesn't trigger any negative feelings or emotional thoughts."

Instead, Vernon prefers to focus on the time to come, on the congregation he must guide and the foundation that his son wants to build into a philanthropic force. Equally Ryan went through his ain recovery, he reached so many milestones, from the feeling in his legs returning to walking to getting back in the gym. He got married, to Michelle Rodriguez, at a wedding his father officiated. He had another son, Lyon Carter. (His starting time, R.J., is from a previous relationship.) The same doctors who said he would never walk over again at present described Ryan equally a miracle—truly, his progress extended beyond any reasonable expectation.

He enrolled at the University of Pittsburgh to finish off the psychology degree he had started at Ohio State. With ane more class, he will complete that part of his educational activity. But as Vernon watched Ryan put distance and perspective betwixt himself and his football game career, he believes that Ryan also establish a college purpose.

It started during the worst months, in the hospital. There was Steelers GM Kevin Colbert, abreast Ryan as he rehabbed, imploring him to scratch out some other rep or v. In that location were his fellow linebackers, moving their position meetings to the infirmary, lingering afterward to deepen their connectedness. There was Motorbus Mike Tomlin, still coaching, a master motivator who never needed to be on a football field to reach a thespian. And yet, in the very same hospital where Ryan reclaimed the life he had lost, he saw other patients with no team, no family, no pastor father or famous friends.

"The back up was overwhelming, yet at the same time, it was like, y'all're sitting at the table, and you have ham, you lot've got turkey, you've got all of your favorite dishes, you lot have all the desserts you want, y'all accept more than than enough," Vernon says. "And you lot look across the room and somebody is sitting there with an empty plate, and they have crumbs on it."

Somewhen, Ryan decided he wanted to not only grow his foundation simply grow it so big that he could help exactly those kinds of people. The ones who needed him. Who needed counseling and bills paid and expensive therapy that nearly cannot afford and insurance often won't embrace in full. "Nosotros want to arrive their fight," Vernon says, "because and then many got in ours."


Source: https://www.si.com/nfl/2020/10/29/ryan-shazier-retirement-through-eyes-of-his-father#:~:text=As%20His%20Father%20Watched%2C%20Ryan,cord%20injury%20suffered%20in%202017.

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